2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party: Tips and Tricks

Halloween has passed! The seasonal sections of the stores are filling up with Christmas decor, and the first 2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party takes place on November 8. Since the Biggest celebration at Disney World is nearly here, I’ve put together some of the best tips, for anyone going to the event for 2018.

Go Early in the week

The first thing to consider is what date you buy your 2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party ticket for.  Going early in the week and as early in the month as possible comes with a couple of nice perks.  First, the tickets are generally less expensive, so you can shave a few dollars off of the expense.  Besides that, these are also the least busy nights to attend the party.  The most expensive days are pricier because they are so much more popular.  However, slower nights still have all the same features and entertainment.

Be Early

Don’t be too early, though.  It would be a shame to double pay for a fifteen hour day at Magic Kingdom.  You will want to rest up for the night so that you can really enjoy it.  You can get in a few hours before the party officially begins, though.  I recommend you do this to maximize the value of your ticket and position yourself for when the party truly begins.  The earliest you can gain admission into the park for the 2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is 4:00.

Eat Before the Party

Whether you have a big lunch late in the day or you stop at your favorite Magic Kingdom restaurant after your 4:00 entry, I recommend you fill up on “real food” before the 2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party starts. There will be a lot of tempting holiday sweets to try, but it’s best to avoid spending time during the party on meals.  Plus, there are plenty of complimentary treats stationed around the park, so you should go to them first.

Be in Liberty Square Before 7:00

Historically, one of the big perks of this event is the uncommon characters you get a chance to meet in the park.  It will be know different at the 2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. Special photo locations will be set up just for the party.  One of the most popular is Jack Skellington.  He will be greeting guests in Liberty Square dressed up as Sandy Claws.  This is one of the best photo opportunities of the night, but the line gets long.  It’s a good idea to get it out of the way.  Adventureland is another great place to run into some unusual faces, and of course, Santa Claus is waiting to meet you in Town Square (probably on your way out, unless your little one will be crushed if you miss him.)

Skip the first runs and performances

Limited attendance means rides are easier to get on.  You will be able to do a lot more during the party than in a normal day at the Magic Kingdom.  Even without Fastpass, the lines are typically short.  It’s even better when most of the crowd is camped out waiting for a parade or a show.  The first performances are the best time to run around the park and cross off your list of must do’s.  Then you can get a good spot when it’s time for the second parade or show while everybody else is in the attraction queues.

What is your favorite thing about Christmas at Walt Disney World?

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Robyn Good
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Kristine Nicole Alessandra
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
6 years ago

These are great tips to consider. We know that there will be huge crowds for this event so being an early bird will work for our benefit!

David Elliott
6 years ago

I wish they had something like this for California Disneyland. They have things for Halloween but not for Christmas. Although I do love the Festival of Holidays they have here which has some pretty amazing food.

6 years ago

I love Disney so much!! This is one of my dream to visit in Disneyland!! Love their concept

Trina Oliveira
6 years ago

I love these tips! We are pass holders but I haven’t gotten to the Christmas Party yet, hoping next year. Will keep these in mind for sure!

6 years ago

I love MVMCP! We have gone 2x now and it was so much fun.

Jesica H
6 years ago

I’ve always wanted to go to the Christmas party but I also hate huge crowds, lol. I tend to go to the park in the ‘slower’ season so I can see and do all I want. Your tips do make it seem easier, though.

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