5 Big Tips You Are Traveling During The Global Pandemic: Travel Insurance, Covid-19 PCR Testing & More!

For those who are still travelling during the pandemic, being prepared has become more critical than ever. That is why it is essential to have your itinerary intact before you jet off. With that in mind, here are our top five tips before you take on any journey.

1 COVID-19 Insurance

Unlike regular travel insurance, which was optional, covid insurance is anything but that. In order to gain entry into many countries, covid insurance is a necessary step as part of the entry process. Not only that, it will cover you for any expenses related to a covid illness, such as hospitals and testing. But before you purchase any insurance, please check the appropriate country’s government guidelines as to what makes a valid covid insurance policy.

2 Necessities

Hand luggage has now taken on a whole new dimension. Be prepared to leave some space for any masks and any entry forms that you may be required to produce at customs. Failure to do that may require you to purchase things at an airport, which will not only be more expensive, but there is no guarantee that they will be in stock.

3 Travel by Car

This is the easiest way to blend into the surroundings and avoid the attention of overzealous police, looking to find tourists who may not be clued up on the latest restrictions. With various countries having a strict fines system for breach of covid guidelines, moving around in a car can reduce the prospect of any trouble. It is also a great way to take advantage of the roads, which have seen a reduction in traffic during the pandemic.

4 Testing Rules For Each Country

Depending on the country, you may be required to show a negative PCR test at around 48-hours prior to your arrival. Most of these kits can be ordered to your house and sent off to await for the results. Nevertheless, some countries have stricter guidelines and may require you to quarantine for some time before you are allowed to move around freely. Once again, the best way to do that is to check the relevant country’s government website.

5 Extra Vigilant

Sadly, the pandemic has led to an increase in travel-related crime, with numerous cases of false PCR results being sold. While it may seem convenient at the time to sidestep the never-ending rules, if one is caught, it is a severe offence and may lead to further action by the relevant immigration authorities. If you are to travel, make sure everything is above board.

So unless it is strictly necessary, until things open up, it is probably wise to avoid travel at this time.

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Hasib Afzal
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