This Is Why Cambodia Is the BEST Place to Visit Post Coronavirus Pandemic!

We’ve Narrowed it Down to the BEST Place to Visit Post PandemicWith vaccinations rolling out in every corner of the world, avid travelers are cautiously starting to check passport expiration dates. While no one has quite dug the suitcase out from the back of the closet yet, we are starting to believe that travel in 2021 may just be possible.

That then begs the question…where to first?

Well, you needn’t waste your time trying to figure out the place you should jet off to at first opportunity because we’ve done it for you. We’ve compared numbers, stats, and all the other facts and figures and we’ve deduced the best place to visit post pandemic is…

…drumroll please….


Why? We’re glad you asked.

Firstly, why not this South Asian gem, an amazing country rich with culture, filled with friendly locals, fun activities and shopping and steeped in history? But that’s the least of it.

Safety wise, Cambodia has done exceptionally well with keeping the Corona Virus in check. Out of a population of just under 17 million, only 2700 cases were reported, resulting in only 19 deaths. Compare this with the Netherlands, a country with a similar population and who has seen 1.3 million cases and suffered just under 17,000 deaths.

The next reason why heading to Cambodia is the perfect choice is the bang for your buck. Granted, the long flight to Cambodia isn’t the cheapest, but with $1USD equaling just over 4000 Cambodian Riel, once you’re there, you can luxuriate in champagne taste on a beer budget.

Accommodations are cheap as chips. Lavish resorts will set you back around $50, including buffet breakfast per night! Transport around town is by a-few-dollars-per-ride Tuk Tuk and delicious food and souvenirs will set you back mere change. There’s really nothing wrong here!

But the best reason you will start looking up flights today is also the most socially responsible. Cambodia is a country that relies heavily on the tourist dollar. In fact 26% of the country is completely reliant on the tourism sector. Travel and tourism creates nearly 2.5 million jobs in the country.

What better reason to visit a country full of mystery and history than to help the hard workers and their families get back on their feet?

Cambodia isn’t quite ready to accept you yet. It is partially open to tourists and you can only arrive via air, not a land border. Upon arrival you must produce a negative Covid test no older than 74 hours, then fork over a $2000 deposit. From this deposit Cambodia’s government will re test you, transport, feed and keep you as long is needed for the results to come. If one person in your party tests positive, everyone must quarantine for 14 days. You will be reimbursed whatever is left from your deposit.

Traveling within Cambodia is also tough, with roadblocks to keep you in one place. Phnom Penh also has an 8pm-5am curfew in place.

So, hold off packing that suitcase yet but watch this space for changing pandemic travel info and check out our Three Days in Siem Reap to get your travel juices flowing!

Be sure to check out our vlog The Go To Family. Connect with us on InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest !

Nicola Barton

Nicola's dream was to visit all 7 continents and did so by her 40th birthday. However she knows there are still hundreds of places to explore and is packing her suitcase as we speak!

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