5 Must-See Ruins Sites in Peru

5 Must-See Ruins Sites in PeruWhen most people think of Peru the first thing that pops to mind is Machu Picchu. It’s not surprising, considering it is one of the new 7 wonders of the world and undoubtably one of the most amazing places we have visited. Travelers shouldn’t limit themseleves to just Machu Picchu though. The country offers so much more in terms of cultural Ruins.
Here are some of our favorite places in the country.
5 Must-See Ruins Sites in Peru
5 Must-See Ruins Sites in PeruSacsayhuamán, which means “Royal Eagle”, is located in Cusco, Peru. In fact, while Cuco is usually where visitors to Machu Picchu start off, there are several different Inca ruins on the Northern edge of the city itself.
Sacsayhuamán, is a temple/fortress complex that is currently used for the re-enactments of important Inca ceremonies. We enjoyed our time here just as much as Machu Picchu.
Huaca Esmeralda
The Huaca Esmeralda is located in Trujillo, Peru. Encompassing over 2,600 square meters, these beautiful ancient ruins are a pre-Columbian adobe temple that belongs to the Chimu culture. With a steep ramp that connects the two levels, no one can figure out why the site is called “Esmerelda”.
This gorgeous archeological feature is located in Kuélap, Peru and is the larges stone structure in South America. In fact, people refer to it as Northern Peru’s Machu Picchu. The is in better condition than its counter part and is on a higher mountain. At this ancient ruins site you will find orchids and air plants nestled in a rich forest of clouds.
Located in Cusco, Peru the Moray site offers its visitors 3 amazingly carved pits that boast varying temperatures from the top to the bottom. Rounded and teared, this is an amazing site to go visit on your trip to Peru.
Huaca del Dragón
This gorgeous archeological site remains a fantastically preserved religious site. Located near the city of Trujillo, it has ceremonial and administrative centers. This ancient ruins site is named as it is from its wall carvings that greatly resemble a dragon.
When booking your next getaway to Peru, it is important to take in some of the beautiful culture and history. While Machu Picchu is absolutely a must see while visiting, it is also important to take in some of the other amazing sites. Plan to take in as many others as you can on your trip and get ready to be blown away by the history that surrounds them.
Robyn Good
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5 years ago

Peru looks so beautiful! I have a friend who spent a month there!

5 years ago

Peru is definitely in my bucket list for places that I would like to visit. Thanks for these tips. I sure keep them in mind.

Jennifer Fouts
5 years ago

That is really breathtaking! The view from above looks amazing…What were those cute animals in the third picture? Every time I see photos of that region, I think about llamas. Were they baby llamas?

5 years ago

Wow what an incredible place to visit as a family.

Amazing experiences for the whole family that’ll last a life time.

Thank you for sharing x

5 years ago

I never would have considered Peru for a family holiday, however seeing your photos and the joy in your kids faces totally has me wanting to plan a trip.

5 years ago

It is my dream to one day travel full time with my family. This place looks amazing!

5 years ago

Such wonderful place in Peru. This place is one of the dream places that I want to visit someday. Lovely photos!

Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too

This is so helpful for anyone who is looking to plan a holiday to Peru, ensuring that they make time to visit the different sites

Samantha Donnelly
4 years ago

I do love history and discovering castles and ruins in new places we visit, this would be ideal for me, I have not thought of visiting Peru before reading this

Jess Howliston
4 years ago

WOW what a beautiful place, the pictures you have shared are amazing and the views are so stunning! It definitely sound like there is plenty to see and do during a trip to Peru, I have to admit I am totally there for the Alpacas, they are my absolute favourite!

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