Tourists Will be Welcomed Back to France as of June 9

Paris, France Disclaimer: Posts may contain affiliate links that help support The Go To Family website.

International tourism is starting back up again in many European countries, with France being the latest nation to announce that international leisure travelers will be able to enter their boarders once more.

As of June 9, the 15-month tourism travel hiatus will officially be over with quarantining no longer required for many tourists. However, there are still some caveats.

Paris, France

Fully vaccinated Europeans will be allowed to come and go from France as per usual, pre-covid ruling. Unvaccinated Europeans must present a negative PCR or antigen test taken within the past 72 hours.

No quarantine will be required for these tourists anymore.

As for the rest of the world, France is adopting the color-coded model which will classify countries as GREEN- displaying no active viral spread or variants of concern (countries like Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and Singapore are on this list), ORANGE- having active transmission in controlled proportions but no new worrisome variants (most of the world’s countries are on the orange list) and RED- countries that are dealing with active viral circulation and have concerning variants (countries like Argentina, Brazil, India and South Africa).

Tourists from GREEN areas, vaccinated or not, will be treated like vaccinated Europeans. No quarantine or pre-arrival Covid tests are needed.

Vaccinated tourists from ORANGE countries must arrive with a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours old or antigen test no more than 48 hours old. No quarantine will be required.

Unvaccinated tourists from ORANGE countries must provide the above test and are required to complete a seven-day self-isolation period.

Prior to June 9, anyone traveling to France was only allowed into the country if they had pressing reason to be there. General tourism was not counted as ‘pressing business’. Now Europeans, GREEN and ORANGE coded country’s travelers may enter for general tourism.

RED country travelers are not so lucky. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers from RED countries are only allowed to enter France is they can satisfy the “compelling reason” rule and provide a negative PCR or antigen test taken within 48 hours of arrival. After arriving, vaccinated RED travelers are mandated to undergo a seven-day quarantine, unvaccinated RED travelers must complete a  10-day quarantine.

FranceAlso note that a traveler is not considered to be fully vaccinated until after two weeks of the second dose of a Pfizer, Moderna or Astra Zeneca vaccine and four weeks after the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

While Europe has launched a digital COVID certificate that will be accepted by all of its member nations, it is not yet known how tourists from other continents will provide proof of their Covid vaccination status.

So, what awaits you after June 9 in the capital of France- check out our whirlwind, three-day Paris itinerary here, it’s sure to whet the appetite!

Be sure to check out our vlog The Go To Family. Connect with us on InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest !

Nicola Barton

Nicola's dream was to visit all 7 continents and did so by her 40th birthday. However she knows there are still hundreds of places to explore and is packing her suitcase as we speak!

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