Covid-19 Travel: Should You Book A Trip With Your Family This Summer?

After a long and grueling year of lockdowns, face masks, multiple quarantines, and more social distancing than anyone could ever imagine, it’s no wonder that a lot of families are looking to get away this year on a much-needed vacation. And yes, they want to get away and as far away from home, too. But is now the right time to be packing up our bags, loading up the car or heading to our nearest airport to start our adventures again? Here’s what you need to know.

Covid-19 Travel: Should You Book A Trip With Your Family This Summer?

Seeing how the ongoing pandemic that has been the coronavirus is still a problem in many parts of the world, experts say that travel with family is going to be rather complicated this summer. While there’s a good chance that mom and dad have gotten their vaccines, the same can’t be said about the rest of the family, especially those under the age of 16.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention say that while Americans who are fully vaccinates against Covid-19 can start traveling again, the agency is still not recommending travel, given the rise of Covid-19 case counts. What’s more, taking your children along might still put your family at risk.

Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, Calif., puts it this way,

“Even people with identical circumstances and risk tolerances can feel reasonable drawing different conclusions on how safe they might feel with various vacation scenarios.”

But then again, different places and different spaces for each family and their travel plans. Some might want to take the social distancing factor to the next level by heading to a state park while others are wanting to get that thrill of visiting a theme park again. Each scenario, of course, is different.

Blumberg said,

“Going camping or staying at a rental house is safe now (because) the family is distanced from others in these situations. Vacations at more crowded destinations are a different story.”

A theme park or group tour

“might result in situations where you can’t social distance from others, and others may not be masking,” Blumberg says.

With that said, choosing a family vacation that will work for your needs might be a little more complicated this year than hopefully it will be for the next. Experts suggest that families monitor the Covid-19 situation at their destination and plan accordingly. And of course, everyone should keep healthy and safe at all times. If you are experiencing any Covid-19-like symptoms, stay home.

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Joanna Mazewski
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